Friday, November 21, 2008

I have been missing Berlin.
I think this is just the clouds rolling down the mountains, over the sea, through the harbor, up to my window.
The bird in my chest is fluttering her wings. (again)

this is nice music...

Thursday, August 7, 2008

mystery clock.

My neice stuck her tongue out at me, so i kissed it. she said it was so gross and that it tasted like a clock. a mystery clock. ? .
I love it here at my mom and dad's place. Charlie keeps a nice lawn and it smells like sweet peas. i harldy do anything here. I am sleeping in the laundry room. I am cuddling. I am having a nice time.
Making lots of secret plans.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

There is a lot about Vancouver that I could do without.
Fashion blogs. Pee scented alleys. Needles in the grass. Olympics.

Mostly, my heart is full to exploding. Gutts everywhere.
Thinking a lot about love. The good kind of love. The kind where you find home.
Maybe it's found in a cup of tea or in a hairdryer. I don't know.
It makes me square.
That's okay.
Got me some Washington Phillips, and a good friend, and full belly.

A huge bed.
Clean PJ's.
A new moleskin.
A good book.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008


It's been all about the porch in the evening.
And young jeezy coming up through the floor.
It's been about letting things come to you at the alarming rate they do.
I like Vancouver.
As more time rides by, I feel more stoked about being here.
Slotting back in is not as easy as you would think, but I am thankful for that.
Old friends and new friends.
Saying yes.
Stackin' paper.
Shoes that give blisters.
A cat that cuddles.
Sex and the City.

Things like that.

Berlin is back to feeling far away.
I still want adventure here.
Who's in?

Sunday, June 22, 2008

I think that Vancouver might be kind of awesome.
I like that it contains the following:
- china town
- free delisio pizza at burrard street skytrain station.
- mountains.
- cute boys!
- people who hug you until your guts feel like pudding.
- that clock that blows steam into the air.
- john rogers park.
- kate freeman.
- the greatest neighborhood in the world.

Monday, June 9, 2008

reading the signs

Oh Vancouver.
I almost missed my plane on purpose.
I almost took my pizza job back. I almost did it.
When we descended into Vancouver, and the clouds broke into the greyness of Richmond, I kind of wanted to press the rewind button.
But here I am, and it's pretty great. Nothing has changed too much. There is a new Starbucks on Main Street, and they're gonna build another one pretty close on Broadway. People have longer hair and it seems that acid is the new weed.
The mountains are lovely, and air is fresh.
I have about a million and a half questions for the cosmos, and I hope some answers turn up soon.
It's a challenge. A bigger one than you would think. The coming home.
I think this is home?
It probably doesn't matter. Where the heart is, right?
Thumping along behind my ribs.

Around the corner from Jenny and P's there is a sign in a flower bed: Cut our flowers, and we'll cut your dick off.


Thursday, May 29, 2008

things about other things and stuff

Sometimes when you see a man from far away and he's wearing a fanny pack, it looks like he has a speedo over top of his pants. It's like britney spears in that slave video, but kind of funnier.
It's amusing.
Tomorrow we are heading to the woods for a woodland adventure. I have face paints for the occasion.
Tonight is my last night at bernburgerstr. 35. weird.
I am lazy in the packing and cleaning department. I am better at somethings when there is pressure and deadlines. How can I possibly clean when the sun is shining and there's coffee to drink and
I officially have one week left on this european jaunt...providing i get it together enough to catch the planes.
I'm ready for it.
These last few days are fun, and i'm doing that thing where you're all like, this will be the last time i stutter that non-german-german word. or the last time i see this h and m or that h and m. I haven't been here long enough to feel nostalgia, but I am feeling like i'm just starting to get to know people on that friendly level where i wish we had met in january.
on the other hand...
i am happy to be seeing friends and family. i plan on spending a week at my parents house, pestering them to bits, and trying to swim in the ocean by their house.

on monday we had a real adventure. ben too loads of photos, but it doesn't do it justice. we went to this old abandoned sanitarium/hospital/barracks/morgue. i was trying to figure out how to describe it, but it's hard. It was dank and dirty and I'm sure there were loads of ghosts. it was also beautiful and still and mysterious. One of those days you'll always remember and try to talk about, but that won't translate to anything other than really experiencing it.
so i'm not going to try.
i'm not going to tell you where it is either. it's secret.

berlin is so different in the summer.
sometimes it really doesn't feel like a big city at all.

i am excited also to see london for a coupla days. i wanna see primark and the peter pan statue in hyde park. mostly i wanna walk around and see things, and know where i am.
sometimes i forget what a privilege it is to be here.
i can curse german cell phone plans all i want, but what a luxury it is if that's something that i can complain about.
it's kind of amazing when i think about it.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

bird brains

One more shift left at Ron's.
I am happy to not have to make pizza anymore...unless I want to.
Once again the near future is in fog, but distance is clear.
I would rather have it this way. The near future figures itself out faster than the distance.
My bike, my flying pigeon, has turned out to be a piece of junk. I guess that's what you get for naming a bike after a pigeon...coulda guessed. I am sure that some of the disrepair is due my own neglect, and three months in the rain with nary a tune-up. I prefer to just blame the bike. Life is easier when you transfer blame onto inanimate objects.
To add to the general awesomeness of the bike, I have gone ahead and fixed both pedals with white duct tape. Like a true Canadian. Class all the way.
So as time here is finishing itself, I find that I am happy to be going back.
I am anticipating the usual going-back feelings.
I am looking forward to comfortable friends and casual conversations that aren't about pizza or art galleries.
I am looking forward to the sunsetting on the mountains.

There is much to miss about Berlin as well.

A couple of days ago Ben and I went to some lake in the suburbs. I forget what it's called and I'm too lazy to look it up. It's like, about 12K and lovely with people running and dog-walking. It reminded me a little of Westwood lake...only a bit less rustic. Half way around the lake is a beer garden. Of course we stopped. The little birds were so aggressive that they started eating right out of our hands. So cute. One little guy even sat on my fingers for a few seconds. Just like Cinderella.

Rob and Sasha are in town now. Having fun. Nice people. Everybody loves these guys, so it's pleasure to see their faces in my kitchen.

I am tired...a little.

Thursday, May 15, 2008


I'm confused.
I have a work hangover from not hydrating while over the ovens.
The apartment is shaking.
The vibe is all wrong.
I am having a hard time shaking feelings of resentment and jealousy and bitterness.
My feet ache a little.
My brain is clouded over.
Optimism is waning.
One more week of pizza, and then into the world of the unknown.
It's hard to say what you mean and mean what you say.
I wish we spoke in simpler words.
Too much time is spent reading between the lines.
Mostly, I want two and two put together for me.
Self Manufactured Blindness.
My application for clarity is in the post.

On a different note, the girls are here!
It's fun. I think Ben is a bit overwhelmed by the amount of women in his house. Lucky man.
Life is kind of like chili-maple syrup. Mostly sweet with a little sting of heat. Not an unpleasant thing...most of the times.

*If this sounds like self-pity, it's probably because it is.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

roots and wings and fairy snow

In the Emily books by L.M. Montgomery, Emily experiences what she calls the flash. A quick lifting of the veil into the other realm.
I think I had that on the way to work this morning.
There is a spot along the canal, my favorite place on my way to work. Sometimes I stop and sit on this perfect stump and let the sun brown my nose (and the tops of my feet). Across the canal there is a restaurant right on the water. It looks like something out of a storybook. This morning the sun was shining so it hit the fluff from the trees sifting slowly to the water, like golden fairy snow. A man on the path had stopped and was just staring at the perfect loveliness (and it was perfect loveliness). I stopped too, but only for a moment. Long enough for the flash.
Berlin has been a buzz and flutter with the Karneval der Kulturen this weekend. All the good parts of the Stampede, parade of lost souls, and a renaisance fair. Exciting food, people on stilts, the coolest playground ever, and cheap rum drinks.
Sara and Bobs were here for a while. It was nice to have them here. Very nice indeed. We did a little exploring through Potsdam palaces, drank a lot of coffee, had meaningful talks, drank some wine (forced on us by Ole), you know, Berlin stuff. We got a little cranky sometimes, but that's life (sisters). It was busy and fun.
In two days the girls from Northern Ireland are coming with their charming accents and funtime vibes. I haven't seen these gals in centuries so I am pretty thrilled.
I think I'm (kind of) sure that I'll (probably) be back in EastVan on the 6th of June. Probably.
My big ideas are not able to take root here. I want to take 'em out of seedling stage.
I was thinking the other day about the mystery of roots and wings. You know, the desire for both adventure and homefires, how these things don't often work well together. Roots and wings. I was thinking how wings can't have roots, and roots can't have wings...but sometimes, every once in a while, seed have wings.
I don't know what this means exactly.
I'm not a metaphor person.
(I prefer similes).

Thursday, April 24, 2008

shimmy shimmy ya shimmy yo shimmy yay

It's been a long week. Full of head aches and annoyances and anxieties. I haven't been the biggest fan of Germany this week. We all have these weeks. We all have emotional reactions.
Mine happened tonight as I was watching the last episode of Skins. Big baby tears. Sometimes it's nice to cry at nothing when the little somethings pile up.
Now I'm all snotty.
It's funny how we react to spring the same way every year. Four days of sun and everything bursts into color. It surprises me every spring.
My feet have returned to their normal color. Tanned, but just on top. Brown feet white legs, that's me.
I've been spending times in different neighborhoods. Mild exploring into the west where the money and fancy cars are. The areas I usually see are full of young people, turkish people, and tourists. West Berlin seems all white with a lot of old people (in comparison) It seems more solid, and less likely to change. It's nice to see new neighborhoods. It's nice to actually be in a a neighborhood. Anhalter/Potsdamer Platz, is not neighborhoody. However, it is nice to be so close to the big park. We spent all day in there yesterday, lying on the grass and picnicking. Could hardly tell we were in the middle of Berlin.

A List of Good Stuff:
-The way the path along the canal smells all sweet and warm and peppery from the kernels fallen from the poplar buds.
-5 Euro Rayban Wayfarer knock-offs at the C&A. (the german Primark)
-Travel Scrabble
-My bosses at Ron Telesky's
-This new white tea and pear flavoured drink.
-Letters in my mailbox
-Finding ways to fill a day on the least amount of money possible. ("You, me and five bucks")

I'm tired...

Sunday, April 6, 2008

I go to rome every twice in a while.

Rome revisited was good. The Trevi Fountain works.
I did more things this time around. Put a lot of miles on my cheap American shoes.
I met my sister and her husband on the Spanish Steps. A very romantic place to arrange a meeting. They took lots of pictures of me and I felt embarrassed.
We saw a whole bunch of old junk...including the Pope. The pope was far away and very tiny. John took a nice paparazzi type shot of him.
The Vatican and the Cathedral and the Sistine Chapel were disappointments. Cool, but not very Holy or Sacred at all. The Sistine Chapel was crowded and noisy and you couldn't really enjoy it for what it was. I find sacredness in humbler places. Like in this tiny, ornate crypt at the graveyard.
I guess I don't understand the world of popes, etc.
I put my hand in the mouth of truth, and nothing I guess that goes to show what bunk that's about. But I really liked the chapel of the church where the mouth of truth is. It's rustic and small and kind of mis-matched and old. They have real candles there instead of flickering LED lights. Not that I know much about lighting candles either. It seemed more real than St. Peters, and the guy that worked there seemed just like a normal man, and didn't have to wear any unusual collars.
There was a lot of piazza sitting and coffee drinking. Good talks and some jokes.
My friends who are living there at the moment are lovely and warm and funny. I learn a lot from both of them.
Benny had his thesis show up. It was great. I liked it. He does some cool things. His paintings make me like him more. I don't like to gush about people's work, really. I don't know if much is accomplished by gushing. I could be wrong about that, I have certainly spent plenty of time gushing...
...i need to think about that some more before I have a final stance on gushing.
I just know that I felt weird when Aunt Kitty gushed over me. Maybe I have become uncomfortable with it.
On friday night we sat in the cold to see a band, it ended up being a MLK Jr. memorial. Initially, it was kind of boring, but then the band played. The Orchestra de something-something. Lots of people from lots of countries. It was kind of hippy-mom music, but so good. People got into it. We packed snacks.
I went back to the place that had the delightful cappuccino last time, but it wasn't as good this time around. Still better than what you find most places, but not perfect. I was much busier.
I have come to dislike tour groups (very much).
I sat next to a nun on the trip back to Berlin. I wondered if she ever missed snuggling. God isn't much of a cuddler, you know?
I gave some Greeks bad instructions on how to get to their hotel.
Chad has left us. Now it's just me and ben...for two days until the parade of visitors start.
I am NOT going o NYC. I am miserable about this...but it was a luxury, and a girl can't ask the cosmos for too much.
The marathon is running right outside my apartment as I type. Drums all morning.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

This is funny

Restauranttipp "Ron Telesky" - Jubii TV

Restauranttipp "Ron Telesky" - Jubii TV
Es ist ein Elch entsprungen – und zwar direkt aus Kanada mitten hinein ins Herz von Kreuzberg. Ron Telesky heißt er, und hat mit tatkräftiger Unterstützung zweier Berliner einen echten kanadischen Pizzaladen eröffnet. Pizzen mit 61 cm im Umfang und ungewöhnlichen Toppings – so was haben Sie garantiert noch nie erlebt.

Ron Telesky

Dieffenbachstr. 62

10967 Berlin-Kreuzberg

Thursday, March 20, 2008

the earth moves under my feet.

Our apartment shakes in the mornings.
I want a new one.
This requires time and money and effort. All things I would rather spend on getting to New York with Nelleke and Dolly Parton...which I am probably going to do.
It may not be the wisest decision financially speaking, but as Marty reminded me, it's for my memoirs. You gotta write about something. The grandkids might like to know about the time I went to Radio City Music Hall.
My birthday was pretty the nice way. A little bbq and some friends, and some people I don't know so well.
I was overwhelmed with birthday wishes, and I was homesick for about a week. I miss my peeps, you know?
My knuckles are burnt to a crisp from that damn pizza oven. It takes a long time for knuckles to heal. It looks kinda like I got into a fight. Tough.
It snowed again yesterday. It was lovely. Big damp flakes.
I am at a crossroads in a few decisions. I don't know what to do...but I want to do it on purpose.
I feel like I have growing pains in my heart. It's tiring.
And the plants are on the counter every morning.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

wind beneath my wings

It's my birthday tomorrow.
I've never really liked my birthday time too much.
we're having hamburgers, and you're all invited. Please come.
Today the weather has been a little manic a la Calgary weather.
I just finished watching the movie Beaches. I cried again. It's not as good as it used to be, but I think I love it or other reasons. The soundtrack was a major part of my pre-teen years. So good...kinda.
The other day M and A and I went on a drive through the country. It was a perfect Sunday afternoon type thing. I really love to get out of the city for a while. We saw little castles and tiny towns with roads too narrow for cars. We poked our head into one of the palaces at Potsdam. The place got terribly run down while the DDR was in power. I guess this is how ruins start. They are still restoring it, but it looks super old and broken in parts. It was fun to drive around and be surrounded by trees.
We also saw some real skinheads. They were scary, and totally put a damper on the day. It's weird how powerless you feel in the face of that kind of fear. It opened up an interesting discussion for the ride home. Intetresting discussions always make me feel closer to the people I'm having them with.
Things are still Okay at Ron's. I bought a book to help with German...we'll see how that goes. I taught my boss how to drink whiskey with ginger ale...always nice. I am sick of pizza. Crazy, right?
My darling sweet Nelly has bought a ticket for me to see Dolly Parton at Radio City Music Hall in New York City! All I have to do is get there. (my birthday is tomorrow) Dolly Parton in NYC! (my birthday is tomorrow) I really want to go (my birthday is tomorrow). There are a few complications, but most complications can be ironed out. I am willing to make huge sacrifices to get there. But my birthday is tomorrow, so maybe my sacrifices won't have to be so huge.
Subtlety has always been my strong suit. Have you noticed how mysterious I can be? Like the wind.

Friday, March 7, 2008

ho hum, riight?

I haven't been to motivated lately. I feel like I haven't left the house in a while.
It's winter again, and the transit is on strike (again). My bike tire is flat. I just don't want to leave the house. Anything beyond yogurt and a pot of coffee seems too much effort.
Not a good thing. I will get out there today. It's only been one day of blah. I just don't want it to carry over into today. I have to work tonight, which is kind of nice. I miss the whirl of busy-ness. I like having full days and nights. I like it when down times are special, not normal.
There is a tiny health problem that I should get checked out, but I am kind of terrified of doctors. The doctors in Germany are German doctors (surprising, i know) which seem slightly more doctorish than Canadian doctors. Hence, my inactivity.
My sweet friend Agata moved into my bedroom. Chad now sleeps in the coffin. So we get the medium sized room. It's nice. It actually has a view, and the sound of construction is vastly diminished. The colors of the furniture, floor and bedsheets make this room look like some kind of dorm a college with very little funding.
Ags has had a rough week. My heart is heavy for her.
I'm going back to Rome in April. My big sister and her husband are going to be there. I am stoked to be there again, and to see familiar faces.
The other day Ben and I decided to go out for coffee, but it got cold, so decided to take the train to wherever we were going. Once at the train, Ben suggested we just keep going right on to Potsdam. I was the bummer skeptic, but we went anyway, because well, what else would we do?
As soon as we stepped out of the station at Wannsee, it began to snow. I mean, SNOW! flakes the size of your head. Despite our inappropriate attire, we had a very nice time. We didn't even go see the palaces in Potsdam. We stayed in the town-ish area and went for coffee there, then turned right around and came back.
Adventure 2008!
I ate a whole box of jaffa one day. They are so good. I don't think I can buy them anymore. I have no self-control when I'm around them.
Okay enough internet time has been wasted. I need to get some wind in my hair.
love you.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

sunday morning walk

Just this morning I was out walking with Old Man Winter. The sky was grey, and the wind was sharp. As we walked past Anhalter Bahnhof, I saw a bunch of people playing soccer, and I noticed how nice it sounds. It sounds like fun, it sounds like friends, it sound like spring.
Just then the wind picked up, and I began to shiver.
Winter looked at me as he said, "SPRING? WHAT SPRING? THERE IS NO SPRING!"
I pulled my scarf in a little tighter and I glared at him.
"You know Winter, you can be a real asshole sometimes."
He chuckled and said, "SO CAN YOU." Then he laughed some more.
Then he started to howl.
Then it began to rain.
That's when I decided to take the train to work.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

rome is in italy

I don't really know how to write about Rome.
I liked it there.
It wasn't quite stepping into a photograph. This because there are a thousand people there all taking photographs of the same stuff. I took a few pictures, but mostly, I just wanted to remember it in my heart. I felt like photographs ruined the experience a little. I am sure that I will regret this decision in the coming years.
It was so great to see Benny and Sabrina. I like seeing old friends. It's one of my favourite things.
We did a handful of the usual things. The colliseum and the the forum and a trevi fountain and the spanish steps. But in the afternoons we lounged in the sunny living room, or in the park. We had gelato two times, drank wine, and sipped espressos.
I had a perfect cappuccino. The kind that they always talked about at JJ and never fully executed. Beautiful.
In north america we treat barista jobs with a bit of chagrin, but I think there is a real art. After all this time wasted in coffee shops, you would have thought I might have learned a thing or two.
It's kind of nice to be back in Berlin...but it's nicer in Rome.
Being in Rome chocked my brain full of stuff to think about.

Here is a sample:
- I am not an artist. I am no longer going to pretend that I am. or was. or will be.
- Children's bookshop. It has taken itself off the back burner, and is dancing around the kitchen in a top hat and spats.
- What to wear and how to wear it...

We have the internet now. I'm on skype. skype me, okay?

As of February 26, I have already been officially invited to two weddings for summer 2008. Bring it on!

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Last night Ole let me stay behind and use the landline to call some friends. It was nice to hear voices that understand.
There's a parade going by right now. A buncha cars with (i think) polish flags.
I'm going to go to the movies tonight. It was my responsibility to go to a place with wireless to download a movie for the family. However, the only place that wasn't crowded to the max was the sony center. it's basically outside and it's really cold and I didn't want to do it. I could have gone to another hood, but the results probably would have been the same. so i saved on ubahn fare and just came right back to old dunker donker.
it's kind of too bad because i was gonna put up some phots, but i guess it'll wait until tomorrow or something.
I have made a few pseudo decisions concerning the length and quality of my stay in Berlin. vague, right?
Do you think it'll one day be okay to start sentences with periods? it seems somehow appropriate sometimes.
Sundays are kinda sucky. Nothing's open. I really wanna buy some candies for my movies, but nothing shop worthy is open.
I'm tired.
coffeed and tired.

Monday, February 11, 2008


The weather has been pretty rad these days. I rode my bike to work this morning in a hoodie (as well as like, pants and shoes). There have been a handful of moments sitting in parks, with the sun on my face, and my eyes closed. This is called basking. Snakes and lizards and cats do it all the time. It seems the whole city of Berlin does it as soon as the clouds breeze past.
Little hints of an exciting summer are sprouting. Cafes are putting out more furniture and the flea market is out of control. Already May is going to be all about the comings and goings of family and friends. I think we will install and revolving door in order to prevent traffic jams.
Speaking of jam...
For Christmas, my sweet cousin Jessica made some delicious jam. I brought my jar to Germany, and save it for special ocassions. I had some this morning with some toast and cheese. It's nice to have something special like that. It roots me to something back home. It roots me
That's a pretty cheesy thing to say, right?
Not as cheesy as this: GOUDA!
I've been having dreams about shitting myself. Like, really messy shit dreams. If anyone has any insight to this, please contact me. Should I worry? Does it help that I always end up cleaning up my mess? I mean, these messes are HUGE! I will google it in two minutes. At the moment I take it as a good omen. Spring cleaning and such.

Friday, February 8, 2008


...I wish that I smoked cigarettes.

Other than that, I have nothing to say.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

(for beginners)

1) Stay calm, be brave.
2) One foot in front of the other.
3) Make it awesome.

It is frequently difficult to remember these steps, which is why they are so simple. Also, all steps are stolen from various resources. The first one, I read on the Smoking Lily store window. They had it written there a couple of years ago. The second is taken from the title of a Bright Eyes song. The song itslf is irrelevant to my program. The third is a rip-off from my friend Sonja's website. ( You should check it out, because I like Sonja, and I like her work.

The success of the 3 step program has yet to be determined.

Berlin was whispering of the promise of spring. That was yesterday. Today winter is kind of laughing in our faces.

I was going to have an adventure today, but now i think i will just go home. Maybe I will stop in at the mall because I haven't been there in like, a day
The other night Ben and I threw our finances to the wind and went to the movies. They have assigned seating at the kinos here (kino=cinema) kinda weird. We saw Control, the one about Ian Curtis. Heavy, but excellent. The film festival starts soon. I think that I will hang out at Potsdamer Platz and just look for hollywood stars.

Maybe Tom Hanks will come!

Sunday, February 3, 2008

stuff and stuff

Have I told you about Kate Bryan?
It's her birthday today.
She sent the sweetest, lovliest package the other day. A splash of sunshine on an otherwise grey and drizzly day. It contained a much needed (and entirely perfect) tea cup. A girl who knows my heart.
But that's Kate. She is a splash of sunshine. Always. Beautiful. She's the kind of girl that will hold your head while you puke. She can make quilts and killer chocolate chip cookies. Her perspective is always unique and refreshing, and if your acting like a weiner, she will tell you so. A soulmate through and through.

It's awlays humbling to recieve gifts that are nicer than you deserve.

My boss who is a footbag champion, is awesome. He was showing me videos of footbag comps (and such). I love the total lack of irony. I love that he just really likes it and makes shoes and footbags and puts on competitions in Germany. Rad.
Not that I'm about to take up hacky-sack anytimes soon.
He also gives me plenty of German language tips. Zweibeln (onion) is actually pronouced as tsveebelle (i think)

Potsdamer Platz is full of restaurants with names like: Andy's Diner and Bar.
And happy hour cocktails are still 6 euros. Weird.

1) double decker buses
2) new cell phone plans
3) paycheques
4) tulips
5) cheeses
6) churchbells
7) the word "emerge"
8) the bathtub at our house (it's nice and long and deep)
9) freshly shaved legs
10)that line in that Bob Dylan song, "the sun is not yellow it is chicken"

Thursday, January 31, 2008

birds and brains

I'm not sure why it is that I like to come to Dunkin' Donuts to update my blog. Maybe it seems less personal, and I feel more at ease.
Today there is a little bird flying around in here. I wonder if it's scared. It seems okay, but we always worry about the trapped birds. At least we always did at JJ Bean when I worked there. Silly birds for flying so willingly into closed cafes without planning an escape.
I guess sometimes we're all a little bird-brained.
I've been sick again. This time it was all about the coughing, and the coughing, and the coughing. I had a little fever at the end, and that seemed to end it. A total drag.
Being sick has affected my optimism a little in that it's not as high as it was a few days ago. I guess it's pretty easy to get discouraged. It's pretty easy to feel jealous.
I am disappointed that the two nanny jobs I interviewed for haven't gotten returned emails, or called when they said they would. The best I can do is pluck up and try again. It's just now there is an edge of doubt, and doubt is a total bummer. For real.
Otherwise, things are still rad. My bike is sweet.
Sorry about the lack of pictures, guys. I lack the capabilities at the moment. Someday, Nicole, you will see a picure of me and my sweet bike.
My cousin Amy is having a baby! Three cheers for Amy!
(I love three cheers-ing people)

Friday, January 25, 2008

flying pigeon

I got a bicycle. It's sweet. It's called a flying pigeon, it's from china, and I'm really going to miss it when I go. Annika found it on ebay, it only cost 54 euros...which is a real bargain. It's black with loads of chrome, and a light on the front. It's the kind that you see old guys riding, but it's made for girls, so I guess it's the kind that you see old ladies riding.
Last night we went bowling, for Ethan's brithday. The group of ex-pats is fairly small, and I get shy sometimes, but it was pretty fun. Bowling is always fun...even if you gutter ball all the time. I got one strike, which was a HUGE surprise.
The canadian pizza place is funny. One boss is this guy that gets drunk and stoned all the time, and is kind of messy. The other boss is super neat and tidy and particular. Somehow this works. The tidy boss is a hacky sack champion. They call it "footbag" here, though. I like it there, it's not hard work at all. It's always nice when jobs are offered to you. However, I am still looking for other options.

Mad props to Kate Freeman for sending my first letter. It was an enchanting and enlightening epistle which made my whole week. Three cheers for Kate.

Ben's sister and her friend are in town for a couple of weeks. It's nice to have girls around. Basically, we're just hanging out watching lost until 2 am.

Bad news about Heath Ledger. 10 Things I Hate About You was a really good movie.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

let me see that thong

my blog is boring.
how do you spruce this business up?
I am at dunkin´ donuts in Potsdamer Platz. There is an Easy Internet here. It kind of smells like poo and they are playing early millenium dance music, including "The Thong Song" by Sisko...or however he spells his name. It costs twice the amount the intenet place by my house charges. I just wanted to kill some time. It`s nice to feel sort invisible here...or something.
So I got a job.
It`s at this place called Ron Telesky`s. A Canadian pizza joint. It will do for now. My first shift is tomorrow, and I must somehow speak German to the customers. I have tried to practise phrases, but my pronouciation is attrocious. I am prepared to be humiliated. That´s okay. I´m not so good even in English. As long as I don´t have customers asking me why I´m always somean to them, all will be just fine.
My cold ssslllooowwwwlllyyy getting better, but it´s been a real doozy, i tell you.
I got my first piece of mail´s from the bank. cool.
The spell check function is not working...oh geez.
I wrote some letters.
Started an idea for a story.
Walked around.
Tried to cheer up some boys.
Met Agata for coffee. Love that girl. So excited that she´s here.
We mostly just watch movies. It´s january. this is what you do!
Someday I will post some pictures...once i figure all of this out...which may or may not happen soon.
I think I´m too coffee-ed right now, and little scattered. Perhaps, in the words of Dave Coulier, I ought to; "cut it out." But it´s europe! And it´s coffee! And i like it!
Wouldn´t it be cool if there was such thing as warp travel, and you could come here right now and we could go for a drink? Or we could meet up in Tokyo for sushi. I really want sushi.
I don´t really have much more to say tonight, except for one more thing: I hope all your dreams come true.
send mail.
for real.

Friday, January 11, 2008

curry 36

Apparantly, Curry 36 has the best currywurst in Berlin. Chad and I went there the other day to spend 2 euros on sausage and chips. Delish. I am not sure if it's the best, i will be the judge of that as the year goes by. It certainly was busy.

I opened up a german bank account. Hitting the big time soon, my friends. And because Ben refered me, we get a new set of tools for the apartment. cool! soon we'll be able to drill things into the walls.

I have a terribly sore throat, and snuffy nose, and achy bones. I try not to complain, but: boooo-hooooo!

Who says "boo-hoo" when they cry?

Tomorrow I am going to meet a lady who may or may not want to hire me to be a full-time nanny for her tiny babies. I am not too nervous about this, although, i did buy a new pair of pants for the occasion. I now have 3 pairs of pants, you guys, practically a full wardrobe, right? I will also meet Ben's boss at the Canadian pizza place. I have an in for a job there too.

Yeah. So I am exceedingly happy to be here. This city amazing, even when it´s cold. It's not very exciting all the time. It's january, I just wanna stay home and watch movies.

All the english speakers swap movies onto computers. My new fave, is Quicksliver staring Kevin Bacon....well, at least the first 45 minutes. I still love Kevin

Will you please send mail?

35 bernburgerstr.
Berlin, Germany

we need interesting things to read around the house. We also need scrabble.

Friday, January 4, 2008

In Berlin

I've been here for about a week, so suppose I ought to blog already.
I hate the word "blog". Gotta be a better word out there.
I hit a few speed bumps along my way to Berlin, but as you see, I am here in the cold, and I am fine.
You see on my way to Bateman family Christmas, my suitcase with all my clothes, got stolen from BC Ferries. Up until yesterday, I was wearing the same pair of pants with same holes, everyday. I bought a few boring basics, and that will just have to do, I guess...for now...until I am in the big money.
Zoom airlines has gone downhill since last May. I was a little disappointed, to tell you the truth, and the landing into Gatwick was the scariest landing I've ever had. Scarier than landing in Calgary during a summer storm. I kinda thought I might die. I am glad that I never didn't die.
After Marty and Annika met me in Cologne, we went to Annika's uncle's place. He has lisp and a beard and a lifesize wax butler in his front entrance.
My first day in Berlin was roadtrip with two Rixens and one Fuller. We stopped at the Haribo factory and Ikea. Totally awesome, right?
In Berlin, our apartment is SO centrally located. We are a 10 minute walk from almost evrything historic. You should come visit. It's warm and cozy, and we hang out in the kitchen a lot. My room is tiny, but I don't have anything to fill it, so it's cool. Berlin is freezing. I need a hat.
I feel like I need to explore some more.