Thursday, March 20, 2008

the earth moves under my feet.

Our apartment shakes in the mornings.
I want a new one.
This requires time and money and effort. All things I would rather spend on getting to New York with Nelleke and Dolly Parton...which I am probably going to do.
It may not be the wisest decision financially speaking, but as Marty reminded me, it's for my memoirs. You gotta write about something. The grandkids might like to know about the time I went to Radio City Music Hall.
My birthday was pretty the nice way. A little bbq and some friends, and some people I don't know so well.
I was overwhelmed with birthday wishes, and I was homesick for about a week. I miss my peeps, you know?
My knuckles are burnt to a crisp from that damn pizza oven. It takes a long time for knuckles to heal. It looks kinda like I got into a fight. Tough.
It snowed again yesterday. It was lovely. Big damp flakes.
I am at a crossroads in a few decisions. I don't know what to do...but I want to do it on purpose.
I feel like I have growing pains in my heart. It's tiring.
And the plants are on the counter every morning.

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