Friday, January 25, 2008

flying pigeon

I got a bicycle. It's sweet. It's called a flying pigeon, it's from china, and I'm really going to miss it when I go. Annika found it on ebay, it only cost 54 euros...which is a real bargain. It's black with loads of chrome, and a light on the front. It's the kind that you see old guys riding, but it's made for girls, so I guess it's the kind that you see old ladies riding.
Last night we went bowling, for Ethan's brithday. The group of ex-pats is fairly small, and I get shy sometimes, but it was pretty fun. Bowling is always fun...even if you gutter ball all the time. I got one strike, which was a HUGE surprise.
The canadian pizza place is funny. One boss is this guy that gets drunk and stoned all the time, and is kind of messy. The other boss is super neat and tidy and particular. Somehow this works. The tidy boss is a hacky sack champion. They call it "footbag" here, though. I like it there, it's not hard work at all. It's always nice when jobs are offered to you. However, I am still looking for other options.

Mad props to Kate Freeman for sending my first letter. It was an enchanting and enlightening epistle which made my whole week. Three cheers for Kate.

Ben's sister and her friend are in town for a couple of weeks. It's nice to have girls around. Basically, we're just hanging out watching lost until 2 am.

Bad news about Heath Ledger. 10 Things I Hate About You was a really good movie.


Amy.E said...

Glad the job is working out alright. Any comments on your grasp of the local language? Post a picture of you riding your bike, please!

nicole said...

send photos of you & your bike!