Friday, January 4, 2008

In Berlin

I've been here for about a week, so suppose I ought to blog already.
I hate the word "blog". Gotta be a better word out there.
I hit a few speed bumps along my way to Berlin, but as you see, I am here in the cold, and I am fine.
You see on my way to Bateman family Christmas, my suitcase with all my clothes, got stolen from BC Ferries. Up until yesterday, I was wearing the same pair of pants with same holes, everyday. I bought a few boring basics, and that will just have to do, I guess...for now...until I am in the big money.
Zoom airlines has gone downhill since last May. I was a little disappointed, to tell you the truth, and the landing into Gatwick was the scariest landing I've ever had. Scarier than landing in Calgary during a summer storm. I kinda thought I might die. I am glad that I never didn't die.
After Marty and Annika met me in Cologne, we went to Annika's uncle's place. He has lisp and a beard and a lifesize wax butler in his front entrance.
My first day in Berlin was roadtrip with two Rixens and one Fuller. We stopped at the Haribo factory and Ikea. Totally awesome, right?
In Berlin, our apartment is SO centrally located. We are a 10 minute walk from almost evrything historic. You should come visit. It's warm and cozy, and we hang out in the kitchen a lot. My room is tiny, but I don't have anything to fill it, so it's cool. Berlin is freezing. I need a hat.
I feel like I need to explore some more.


Madame Bluestocking said...

My friend Matt is in Germany/Austria right now. He's sweet. And beautiful. Maybe you should hook up with him. If you'd like, he's on my Facebook friends.

Amy.E said...

I'm dreaming of visiting you in Berlin, but am fully aware that it is only a dream. For now. Have a wonderful time. How do you feel about sharing some pictures? I would love to see some.

Amy.E said...

I observed a moment of silence for your stolen pants and undies and other goods. I hope the recipient of your suitcase is at least enjoying the booty - er, bounty.

Becky said...

I tried to send you a message on facebook but it was being facebook, so I'm putting the info here instead.
If you are ever looking to meet some more new people in Berlin, check out Haus Nazareth, It was started by some friends of ours, the Peddicords, who have been missionaries in Germany for many years. They are from Boise, and began this project a couple of years ago. They live in Boise right now and have a German team working on the project in Berlin, but they make many trips over and plan to move back there soon. I think it's a ways from where you are, but if you ever want to go exploring, the address is WrangelstraƟe 11, steglitz (at least that's what gets you there in google maps).
I really want to visit Berlin some day. Maybe you can be my tour guide. Let me know if you find any good beer. And you should totally take Jody's advice about Matt.

nicole said...

where are the updates!!!!