Sunday, May 11, 2008

roots and wings and fairy snow

In the Emily books by L.M. Montgomery, Emily experiences what she calls the flash. A quick lifting of the veil into the other realm.
I think I had that on the way to work this morning.
There is a spot along the canal, my favorite place on my way to work. Sometimes I stop and sit on this perfect stump and let the sun brown my nose (and the tops of my feet). Across the canal there is a restaurant right on the water. It looks like something out of a storybook. This morning the sun was shining so it hit the fluff from the trees sifting slowly to the water, like golden fairy snow. A man on the path had stopped and was just staring at the perfect loveliness (and it was perfect loveliness). I stopped too, but only for a moment. Long enough for the flash.
Berlin has been a buzz and flutter with the Karneval der Kulturen this weekend. All the good parts of the Stampede, parade of lost souls, and a renaisance fair. Exciting food, people on stilts, the coolest playground ever, and cheap rum drinks.
Sara and Bobs were here for a while. It was nice to have them here. Very nice indeed. We did a little exploring through Potsdam palaces, drank a lot of coffee, had meaningful talks, drank some wine (forced on us by Ole), you know, Berlin stuff. We got a little cranky sometimes, but that's life (sisters). It was busy and fun.
In two days the girls from Northern Ireland are coming with their charming accents and funtime vibes. I haven't seen these gals in centuries so I am pretty thrilled.
I think I'm (kind of) sure that I'll (probably) be back in EastVan on the 6th of June. Probably.
My big ideas are not able to take root here. I want to take 'em out of seedling stage.
I was thinking the other day about the mystery of roots and wings. You know, the desire for both adventure and homefires, how these things don't often work well together. Roots and wings. I was thinking how wings can't have roots, and roots can't have wings...but sometimes, every once in a while, seed have wings.
I don't know what this means exactly.
I'm not a metaphor person.
(I prefer similes).

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