Saturday, May 24, 2008

bird brains

One more shift left at Ron's.
I am happy to not have to make pizza anymore...unless I want to.
Once again the near future is in fog, but distance is clear.
I would rather have it this way. The near future figures itself out faster than the distance.
My bike, my flying pigeon, has turned out to be a piece of junk. I guess that's what you get for naming a bike after a pigeon...coulda guessed. I am sure that some of the disrepair is due my own neglect, and three months in the rain with nary a tune-up. I prefer to just blame the bike. Life is easier when you transfer blame onto inanimate objects.
To add to the general awesomeness of the bike, I have gone ahead and fixed both pedals with white duct tape. Like a true Canadian. Class all the way.
So as time here is finishing itself, I find that I am happy to be going back.
I am anticipating the usual going-back feelings.
I am looking forward to comfortable friends and casual conversations that aren't about pizza or art galleries.
I am looking forward to the sunsetting on the mountains.

There is much to miss about Berlin as well.

A couple of days ago Ben and I went to some lake in the suburbs. I forget what it's called and I'm too lazy to look it up. It's like, about 12K and lovely with people running and dog-walking. It reminded me a little of Westwood lake...only a bit less rustic. Half way around the lake is a beer garden. Of course we stopped. The little birds were so aggressive that they started eating right out of our hands. So cute. One little guy even sat on my fingers for a few seconds. Just like Cinderella.

Rob and Sasha are in town now. Having fun. Nice people. Everybody loves these guys, so it's pleasure to see their faces in my kitchen.

I am tired...a little.

1 comment:

nicole said...

CAn't wait to see you this summer. Love you much and so much more.