Tuesday, February 5, 2008

(for beginners)

1) Stay calm, be brave.
2) One foot in front of the other.
3) Make it awesome.

It is frequently difficult to remember these steps, which is why they are so simple. Also, all steps are stolen from various resources. The first one, I read on the Smoking Lily store window. They had it written there a couple of years ago. The second is taken from the title of a Bright Eyes song. The song itslf is irrelevant to my program. The third is a rip-off from my friend Sonja's website. (www.makeitawesome.com) You should check it out, because I like Sonja, and I like her work.

The success of the 3 step program has yet to be determined.

Berlin was whispering of the promise of spring. That was yesterday. Today winter is kind of laughing in our faces.

I was going to have an adventure today, but now i think i will just go home. Maybe I will stop in at the mall because I haven't been there in like, a day
The other night Ben and I threw our finances to the wind and went to the movies. They have assigned seating at the kinos here (kino=cinema) kinda weird. We saw Control, the one about Ian Curtis. Heavy, but excellent. The film festival starts soon. I think that I will hang out at Potsdamer Platz and just look for hollywood stars.

Maybe Tom Hanks will come!

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