Thursday, January 31, 2008

birds and brains

I'm not sure why it is that I like to come to Dunkin' Donuts to update my blog. Maybe it seems less personal, and I feel more at ease.
Today there is a little bird flying around in here. I wonder if it's scared. It seems okay, but we always worry about the trapped birds. At least we always did at JJ Bean when I worked there. Silly birds for flying so willingly into closed cafes without planning an escape.
I guess sometimes we're all a little bird-brained.
I've been sick again. This time it was all about the coughing, and the coughing, and the coughing. I had a little fever at the end, and that seemed to end it. A total drag.
Being sick has affected my optimism a little in that it's not as high as it was a few days ago. I guess it's pretty easy to get discouraged. It's pretty easy to feel jealous.
I am disappointed that the two nanny jobs I interviewed for haven't gotten returned emails, or called when they said they would. The best I can do is pluck up and try again. It's just now there is an edge of doubt, and doubt is a total bummer. For real.
Otherwise, things are still rad. My bike is sweet.
Sorry about the lack of pictures, guys. I lack the capabilities at the moment. Someday, Nicole, you will see a picure of me and my sweet bike.
My cousin Amy is having a baby! Three cheers for Amy!
(I love three cheers-ing people)

Friday, January 25, 2008

flying pigeon

I got a bicycle. It's sweet. It's called a flying pigeon, it's from china, and I'm really going to miss it when I go. Annika found it on ebay, it only cost 54 euros...which is a real bargain. It's black with loads of chrome, and a light on the front. It's the kind that you see old guys riding, but it's made for girls, so I guess it's the kind that you see old ladies riding.
Last night we went bowling, for Ethan's brithday. The group of ex-pats is fairly small, and I get shy sometimes, but it was pretty fun. Bowling is always fun...even if you gutter ball all the time. I got one strike, which was a HUGE surprise.
The canadian pizza place is funny. One boss is this guy that gets drunk and stoned all the time, and is kind of messy. The other boss is super neat and tidy and particular. Somehow this works. The tidy boss is a hacky sack champion. They call it "footbag" here, though. I like it there, it's not hard work at all. It's always nice when jobs are offered to you. However, I am still looking for other options.

Mad props to Kate Freeman for sending my first letter. It was an enchanting and enlightening epistle which made my whole week. Three cheers for Kate.

Ben's sister and her friend are in town for a couple of weeks. It's nice to have girls around. Basically, we're just hanging out watching lost until 2 am.

Bad news about Heath Ledger. 10 Things I Hate About You was a really good movie.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

let me see that thong

my blog is boring.
how do you spruce this business up?
I am at dunkin´ donuts in Potsdamer Platz. There is an Easy Internet here. It kind of smells like poo and they are playing early millenium dance music, including "The Thong Song" by Sisko...or however he spells his name. It costs twice the amount the intenet place by my house charges. I just wanted to kill some time. It`s nice to feel sort invisible here...or something.
So I got a job.
It`s at this place called Ron Telesky`s. A Canadian pizza joint. It will do for now. My first shift is tomorrow, and I must somehow speak German to the customers. I have tried to practise phrases, but my pronouciation is attrocious. I am prepared to be humiliated. That´s okay. I´m not so good even in English. As long as I don´t have customers asking me why I´m always somean to them, all will be just fine.
My cold ssslllooowwwwlllyyy getting better, but it´s been a real doozy, i tell you.
I got my first piece of mail´s from the bank. cool.
The spell check function is not working...oh geez.
I wrote some letters.
Started an idea for a story.
Walked around.
Tried to cheer up some boys.
Met Agata for coffee. Love that girl. So excited that she´s here.
We mostly just watch movies. It´s january. this is what you do!
Someday I will post some pictures...once i figure all of this out...which may or may not happen soon.
I think I´m too coffee-ed right now, and little scattered. Perhaps, in the words of Dave Coulier, I ought to; "cut it out." But it´s europe! And it´s coffee! And i like it!
Wouldn´t it be cool if there was such thing as warp travel, and you could come here right now and we could go for a drink? Or we could meet up in Tokyo for sushi. I really want sushi.
I don´t really have much more to say tonight, except for one more thing: I hope all your dreams come true.
send mail.
for real.

Friday, January 11, 2008

curry 36

Apparantly, Curry 36 has the best currywurst in Berlin. Chad and I went there the other day to spend 2 euros on sausage and chips. Delish. I am not sure if it's the best, i will be the judge of that as the year goes by. It certainly was busy.

I opened up a german bank account. Hitting the big time soon, my friends. And because Ben refered me, we get a new set of tools for the apartment. cool! soon we'll be able to drill things into the walls.

I have a terribly sore throat, and snuffy nose, and achy bones. I try not to complain, but: boooo-hooooo!

Who says "boo-hoo" when they cry?

Tomorrow I am going to meet a lady who may or may not want to hire me to be a full-time nanny for her tiny babies. I am not too nervous about this, although, i did buy a new pair of pants for the occasion. I now have 3 pairs of pants, you guys, practically a full wardrobe, right? I will also meet Ben's boss at the Canadian pizza place. I have an in for a job there too.

Yeah. So I am exceedingly happy to be here. This city amazing, even when it´s cold. It's not very exciting all the time. It's january, I just wanna stay home and watch movies.

All the english speakers swap movies onto computers. My new fave, is Quicksliver staring Kevin Bacon....well, at least the first 45 minutes. I still love Kevin

Will you please send mail?

35 bernburgerstr.
Berlin, Germany

we need interesting things to read around the house. We also need scrabble.

Friday, January 4, 2008

In Berlin

I've been here for about a week, so suppose I ought to blog already.
I hate the word "blog". Gotta be a better word out there.
I hit a few speed bumps along my way to Berlin, but as you see, I am here in the cold, and I am fine.
You see on my way to Bateman family Christmas, my suitcase with all my clothes, got stolen from BC Ferries. Up until yesterday, I was wearing the same pair of pants with same holes, everyday. I bought a few boring basics, and that will just have to do, I guess...for now...until I am in the big money.
Zoom airlines has gone downhill since last May. I was a little disappointed, to tell you the truth, and the landing into Gatwick was the scariest landing I've ever had. Scarier than landing in Calgary during a summer storm. I kinda thought I might die. I am glad that I never didn't die.
After Marty and Annika met me in Cologne, we went to Annika's uncle's place. He has lisp and a beard and a lifesize wax butler in his front entrance.
My first day in Berlin was roadtrip with two Rixens and one Fuller. We stopped at the Haribo factory and Ikea. Totally awesome, right?
In Berlin, our apartment is SO centrally located. We are a 10 minute walk from almost evrything historic. You should come visit. It's warm and cozy, and we hang out in the kitchen a lot. My room is tiny, but I don't have anything to fill it, so it's cool. Berlin is freezing. I need a hat.
I feel like I need to explore some more.