Wednesday, May 20, 2009

How to tell if you need a little vacation.

Most people are pretty selfish, sneaky, and rude. Awful.
I love the totalness of blanket statements.

I don't really believe it. At least, I don't want to believe it.
Maybe we're in a season of mean-ness. Maybe I've lost tolerance for bad behaviour. I don't know what it is.

It just seems that common courtesy has disappeared, and you get burned when you try to stand up for it. You get burned when you try to use it.

I struggle to do what is right and good. I try to figure it out and do the best thing. A lot of the time I fail at that, but something is learned in the process...I hope.

It makes me crazy when people just do whatever the fuck they want, and then shrug it off with a whisper of apology.

I wish there was a response other than "It's okay."
Sometimes it's not okay.

A week in the english countryside sounds amazing right now. I bet even the sheep and the cows have basic manners there.

1 comment:

SJR said...

This picture is amazing! I hope you get a pic of the four of you standing right there. =)