Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Another List.

Inspired by my biggest sister.
Things I am loving.
Because love is cool.
I love:
- how laundry day gives you leave to wear totally weird and great outfits that no one sees except your room mate's cats.
- new tattoos of Peter Pan kisses As done by a new and interesting friend who sends you Gillian Welch music because you both love her.
- A million new snow drops and crocus' that i swear weren't there yesterday.
- Red Wind, by my old friend Sabrina, who is an amazing and beautiful and lovely person with a heart of gold and head full of smarts.
- New haircuts.
- The nicest Valentine in the whole world as given to me by this young man.
- Son of Rambow.

- encouragement.
- New nail polish colors.
- The Niche Market just two blocks away. FULL of German products, including Das Duche and every flavour of rittersport (minus the peanut). I don't love that it doesn't carry Club Mate
- Bob Dylan. For sure.
- How google maps has turned some cities into wonderlands for the computer traveller. I can't make a link, but go to rome and zoom in, and look around. it's like you're there, but you're not eating gelato, or smelling the sunshine, or drinking the world's greatest cappuccino.
- There's this graffiti on Broadway that says: Your dumb. It's hilarious.
- Making Canadian pizza for the boys at work.
- Reading Roald Dahl again. The BFG is so funny.
- Stopping making silly lists, even though they could go on and on, but I want to make a banner for my front window. It's going to say: "It's just a mountain, I can move it" If you don't get it, your dumb.


Becky said...

Hi cuz,
Love your list. I just watched Son of Rambow two nights ago.

nicole said...

i love you oodles. do you have new tats? cool. come visit.