I haven't been to motivated lately. I feel like I haven't left the house in a while.
It's winter again, and the transit is on strike (again). My bike tire is flat. I just don't want to leave the house. Anything beyond yogurt and a pot of coffee seems too much effort.
Not a good thing. I will get out there today. It's only been one day of blah. I just don't want it to carry over into today. I have to work tonight, which is kind of nice. I miss the whirl of busy-ness. I like having full days and nights. I like it when down times are special, not normal.
There is a tiny health problem that I should get checked out, but I am kind of terrified of doctors. The doctors in Germany are German doctors (surprising, i know) which seem slightly more doctorish than Canadian doctors. Hence, my inactivity.
My sweet friend Agata moved into my bedroom. Chad now sleeps in the coffin. So we get the medium sized room. It's nice. It actually has a view, and the sound of construction is vastly diminished. The colors of the furniture, floor and bedsheets make this room look like some kind of dorm a college with very little funding.
Ags has had a rough week. My heart is heavy for her.
I'm going back to Rome in April. My big sister and her husband are going to be there. I am stoked to be there again, and to see familiar faces.
The other day Ben and I decided to go out for coffee, but it got cold, so decided to take the train to wherever we were going. Once at the train, Ben suggested we just keep going right on to Potsdam. I was the bummer skeptic, but we went anyway, because well, what else would we do?
As soon as we stepped out of the station at Wannsee, it began to snow. I mean, SNOW! flakes the size of your head. Despite our inappropriate attire, we had a very nice time. We didn't even go see the palaces in Potsdam. We stayed in the town-ish area and went for coffee there, then turned right around and came back.
Adventure 2008!
I ate a whole box of jaffa one day. They are so good. I don't think I can buy them anymore. I have no self-control when I'm around them.
Okay enough internet time has been wasted. I need to get some wind in my hair.
love you.